• Instructions

    Secretary  - Father of Naqiya Khandalawala  - (Mr. Abdulkader Khandalawala ) - 9049484324 1. Nursery - Mother of Husaina Solanki - (Mrs. Fatema Solanki ) - 9168768052 2. Prep I - Lotus - Mother of Kritarth Sonavane - (Mrs. Shweta Sonavane) - 9890000912 3. PREP I - Lily - Mother of Riya...
    The Diary Is intended to provide information and to ensure effective communication between the School and home. Parents are invited to use the School Diary as a means of communication.Students are required to bring this Diary to school each day. If a student loses the Diary a replacement may be...
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    This Pre-Primary Institution is professionally Managed by Everbloom Eduserve