• Instructions

    Secretary  - Father of Naqiya Khandalawala  - (Mr. Abdulkader Khandalawala ) - 9049484324 1. Nursery - Mother of Husaina Solanki - (Mrs. Fatema Solanki ) - 9168768052 2. Prep I - Lotus - Mother of Kritarth Sonavane - (Mrs. Shweta Sonavane) - 9890000912 3. PREP I - Lily - Mother of Riya...
    15 de junio de 2019
    The Diary Is intended to provide information and to ensure effective communication between the School and home. Parents are invited to use the School Diary as a means of communication.Students are required to bring this Diary to school each day. If a student loses the Diary a replacement may be...
  • broken image

    This Pre-Primary Institution is professionally Managed by Everbloom Eduserve